Library Media Services


Welcome to the Hough Street School Library Media Center! We are here to serve the needs of our learning community. Our focus is on building strong, vibrant student learning experiences in our school library media center and partnering with our staff in creating challenging instructional activities that make students active learners. 

Book Collection

The Hough Literature Collection consists of thousands of books and several periodical subscriptions appropriate for a wide spectrum of elementary readers. The Hough Multimedia Collection includes a variety of online subscriptions and movies, digital cameras, digital video cameras, LCD projectors, and Smart Boards.

Student Accounts

To check a student's account, go to Catalog Search. Click on Log In. Type in the students Barrington School District ID number and click on Go. To see which items are currently checked out and when they are due, click on Items Out. Don't forget to Logout when you're done!

library media services staff

Amy Koegel

Library Technology Assistant

Taryn Parise

Teacher Librarian